Monday, May 9, 2011

It's not as I thought

9th of May 2011, Monday

I don't know how, and don't know why, recently everything's not going well as I thought. Planned to post my previous memories by today, but ended up my mood spoiled my plan.

It's my holiday now, and it doesn't seems like a holiday to me.

I've wasted a lots of time and also wasted a lots of my friend's time for helping me out in one competition.
Ended up, the results freaked me out, and I don't know what's the main purpose of this competition and how they give marks to the contestants. It isn't fair enough as they let UNREGISTERED DANCER of a REGISTERED CONTESTANT entered the next round. The DANCER didn't register for the competition and she just came to be a dancer of her friend that who was a contestant. Both of them perform the same dance and at last the DANCER asked by the judges whether she wants to join or not, and if she say yes, she will be straight eligible to enter the next round.

The workers there and also the judges keep saying that she LOOKS THE SAME as one of the SPONSOR COMPANY's MANAGER, and the manager is also one of the judges of other round too. So, by this, the dancer MANAGED to enter next round and the contestant FAILED to. Just she looks alike the manager and she manage to enter next round, do you guys still think this is fair enough? (ran out of the main purpose of this competition)
Not to mention which competition is this, but I think some of you guys sure will know which competition I'm talking about. (It's not singing competition, as singing competition has its' main purpose of finding the true voice)

Well, I think I have to stop here as it makes me keep thinking about of that and makes me moody.

I'll return when my mood is controlled.
Smile , taken when I'm heading to (Little Genting Highland)

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